Saturday, 20 August 2016

MoneyMint from Facebook

Hey Friends,

Hope you are all doing good, and have started to earn some money. Today in the post I would like to speak about one of the biggest cash earning tool available over internet.

This tool is none other than Facebook itself. Yes, you read that right, its our known Facebook.
We as a user are using Facebook, from where Facebook can earn some money for it by showing ads. Some money, Am i joking, Its billions of dollars every year that they are earning.
So its time know that we also mint some money from that application. Though we cannot earn billions of dollars (You have to be more talented than Mark Zuckerberg for that) like Facebook, but yes there are numerous of ways from which we can earn at-least some respectful dollars for our-self.

So the first step to start earning is create an account on Facebook in case you don't have an account.
If you have already done that, you can absolutely ahead in the race.
Now you need to create a page on Facebook. Page can be for anything which can garner millions of view.( Imagine there are 1.71 billion active users of Facebook worldwide and we are looking for just millions). Now the next question arises comes is what type of site can create, obviously millions views can't be generated if you have created a page for yourself, unless you are rock-star yourself.
So create a page for famous personalities, restaurant chain, and write great posts on them, which can garner views and people can recommend these pages to others. Now as you got some regular viewers on the page, the next steps come in. You already know about Affiliate Marketing.
its time to start marketing your affiliate products on the Facebook page . You can also sell your own services on  Facebook page, sell E-Books, and earn some really good money, and this good can be really big as the size of your page grows.

So mate, start now and don't stop to work unless you start to earn something from it.

For any queries, comment box is always there.
Happy Earning.

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